Product Info

- The gel on organic base for etching tooth hard tissues is based on 32% orthophosphoric acid, it contains antibacterial agent (benzalconium chloride) and dye. - The gel base comprises organic water-soluble gel-adjuster. - The gel, thickened with organic polymer, features optimal consistency, necessary flowability. - The gel can be easily washed with water. - The material provides higher adhesion of filling material to tooth tissues. - The contained bactericidal agent reduces tooth sensitivity and features bactericidal effect. - In 15-30 sec. the etched enamel becomes rough. - That provides material bonding to tooth tissues. - When treating dentine, the smeared layer is removed providing better adhesion of the material to dentine. **For further product information , please contact Chat Support**

Etching 3 ml

1 Tube 3 Ml




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